Tuesday, August 17, 2010

False Start - Bad Fuel & Sucking Air

Day two of our journey got started at 0700 we were off thinking we would get a few miles under our belts before it got hot. We saw several doe with fawn and a few young bucks in velvet. We made it to the dump station to relieve the busses tanks. Everything went smoothly for the first 6 miles until we came to a stop sign on the top of an incline. The bus sputtered humped, jumped then died at the stop sign, I guess the bus took it seriously. There was no room for traffic to go around on our right; so every fool behind us who wanted to turn right would sit there behind us and blow their horn. Not knowing what my problems could be I thought what I had done differently in the last few hours which may had caused our dilemma. I posted a notice for assistance on the Wanderlodge Owners Group Forum and within minutes I had phone call and notices on line of possible issues. I concluded & it was also recommended it had to be a fuel issue. Well yesterday before we hit the camp ground for the evening we filled up at the Pilot east of Danville, Illinois. I put some Killz in the tank with the fill up and I guess it shocked the system because my RACOR filter was black and it was also sucking air due to the blockage. We changed the RACOR and bled four injectors on the engine and the engine fired to life. So we took off. It was only a few miles when I noticed it seemed like the engine was not developing full power and it appeared to lack boost on the turbo, 5 – 7 pound max and 55 MPH tops. So I concluded again it had to be a fuel filter problem, so I decided to get the bird off the road and change out the main engine fuel filter. I had a spare so I thought it would be an easy fix at the next interchange, wrong the bus thought differently so it died at the end of the off ramp. This time it was in heavier traffic with tandem trailer trucks backing up the ramp. First I had to unhook our Cherokee to get the ramp open, and then I had to do a speedy fuel filter change. It was a 3 minute change out, popped open 3 injectors, bled them off and the engine fired to life once again. I asked Fran to drive the Cherokee and we were off looking for a NAPA or parts house to get a few fuel filter spares. Once on the interstate the bus had full power and the turbo boost was at 15 pounds, I felt good, it was running like it hadn’t run in a long time.
We finally made it to Bellevue State Park, met up with Lee & Jacque Davis and went out to dinner. More to come tomorrow. Gee I wish I had Fran take pictures of me under the bird at the stop sign with six trucks backed up the ramp and a couple of soccer moms in their SUVs talking on their cell phones & blowing their horn.

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